What are your dreams telling you?

Share your dream for a free, instant interpretation

Tips for the best interpretation

Be as specific as possible: The more specific you are about the details of your dream, the better I can understand the symbols and themes that are present.

Basic details are helpful: Similar to Reddit, sharing basic details like your age (or age at the time of the dream) and gender (e.g., ‘I (20F) dreamt…’) can help me interpret your dream better. You can also include this information for others in your dream for a more detailed interpretation.

Waking life context: If you can provide related context about any current life situations or recent events, it can help me better interpret the meaning behind your dream. If you provide context from your waking life, make sure to let me know or else I may accidentally interpret it as part of the dream.

For dreams involving death: If your dream involves the death or spirit of someone you know, please clarify whether they are alive or deceased in real life to avoid any misinterpretation.

Avoid assumptions: Try to avoid making assumptions or adding personal interpretations to your dream. It’s best to provide factual information about what you saw, felt, or experienced in your dream.

Be open-minded: Keep an open mind when receiving dream interpretations. Dreams can be highly symbolic, and the meaning may not be immediately clear.

Use clear language: Try to use clear and concise language when describing your dream. Avoid using jargon or colloquialisms that could be misinterpreted.

DreamyBot deciphers your dreams to deliver personalized dream interpretations instantly. Our free dream interpreter leverages AI to examine the key symbols in your dream and psychological insights to provide you with a thorough dream analysis.

The Science and Meaning Behind Falling Dreams

Hypnic jerks or a fear of losing control? Learn more about what is happening when you experience falling dreams.

Common Dreams and What They Mean

Learn about the most common dreams and what they're telling you.

9 Tips for Better Dream Recall and Journaling

Discover how to set intentions, practice mindfulness, and keep a dream journal for better insights.

Dream Symbols


DreamyBot Updates & Notices

February 13, 2025
Response Glitch Fixed :)

Hi dreamers,

I believe we figured out what was causing that response glitch and implemented a fix! Apologies for the inconvenience. We've recently made big updates to our model so DreamyBot may have a few growing pains over the next week or so as we refine. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sweet dreams,
Rebecca (DreamyBot founder + creator) 🌙  |  Write to Me

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February 9, 2025
DreamyBot Response Glitch – Quick Fix

We’re aware of an occasional glitch where DreamyBot’s responses may cut off mid-sentence. If this happens, simply ask DreamyBot to continue, and it should pick up right where it left off.

We appreciate your patience as we work on a fix.

January 27, 2025
It's a great time to sign up for updates!

Hi Dreamers,

How are you? I hope you're doing alright. I just want to say if you haven't already signed up for updates yet this is a GREAT time to do so. Our app is coming this year :D

And if you had a meaningful experience with DreamyBot, please rate your conversation and let me know how they did. Thank you!

Sweet dreams,
Rebecca (DreamyBot founder + creator) 🌙  |  Write to Me

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